SKINEEZ® at Super Bowl LII

by Michelle Moran
SKINEEZ® at Super Bowl LII

NFL players from different teams came together at Super Bowl LII to agree on the benefits of wearing SKINEEZ® Skin-Reparative Medical Grade Hydrating Compression Gloves and Compression Socks. 

The fingerless Medical Grade Hydrating Compression Gloves are a one size fits all product that is designed to continuously renew and replenish your hands while wearing them. The compression properties in them are proven to relieve pain and help with arthritis, hand fatigue and cold hands. 

Our Medical Grade Hydrating Compression Socks helps with poor blood circulation, mild to moderate leg swelling, mild varicose vein discomfort, and discomfort from sitting or standing for long periods of time. 

SKINEEZ® at Super Bowl LII

(Dan Upperco - Oakland Raiders) 

SKINEEZ® at Super Bowl LII

(Riley Ferguson, Memphis) 

SKINEEZ® at Super Bowl LII

(Alex Mack, Atlanta Falcons) 

SKINEEZ® at Super Bowl LII

(Sergio Brown, Free Agent) 

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