Skincare formula for medical grade stockings

by Michelle Moran
Skincare formula for medical grade stockings

As you may already know, there is a lot more to compression garments from Skineez than just compression. What makes our product stand out from the crowd is a special skincare formula, that not only takes care of your skin but makes big difference for your overall health.

Medical grade compression stockings from Skineez are infused with the special skin-caring formula. The key ingredients that are part of our magical formula for medical compression stockings are:

  • Shea butter
  • Apricot Kernel Oil
  • Retinol
  • Vitamin E
  • Rose Hip Oil

Skincare formula for medical grade stockings

Shea butter

Skincare formula for medical grade stockings

Many of us may have heard of cosmetic products with shea butter, but not all of us know what exactly is shea tree and shea butter. Shea butter is the fat extracted from the nuts of the shea tree. Shea trees are native to West Africa, and most of the shea butter is produced in that region. Shea butter is a part of many cosmetic formulas for a great number of reasons. Shea butter has soothing, smoothing, and conditioning effects for almost all skin types. It has a high concentration of vitamins and fatty acids, which nourish your skin and make it look shiny.

On the other hand, shea butter is very low in proteins that are one of the main triggers of allergies caused by cosmetic products. Some of the fatty acids contained in shea butter are oleic, stearic, linoleic, and palmitic acids. The combination of oleic and linoleic acid is great because it makes an effect of easy and full absorption into the skin. So the topical application of shea butter won’t make your skin greasy, but it will be moisturized and shiny.

Other great effects of shea butter include: boosting collagen production, helping cell regeneration, slow the process of skin aging, sun protection, and many more. Combined with the right level of compression, these effects make Skineez medical-grade compression stockings the perfect choice for everyday use.  

Apricot Kernel Oil

Apricot kernel is the hard stone found inside apricots. Besides eating, you can use the kernel to produce oil and other medical-purpose formulas. Apricot kernel oil is produced by the pressing process of oil-rich kernels of Apricots. The most beneficial chemicals that can be found in this oil are: oleic acids, alpha-linolenic acid, linolenic acids, palmitic acid, Vitamin E, and Vitamin E. Oleic acids, also known as omega 9 acids are in charge of making your skin radiant, soft, slow down the aging process and wrinkles appearance, boost immunity and stimulate the hair growth.

Linoleic acids, know as omega 6 acids fasten the wound healing process, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and promote moisture retention in skin and hair. Alpha-linolenic acid, omega 3, is great for stopping blood clotting on the skin, lessening inflammation, easing stiffness, and improving flexibility. Doesn’t that sound amazing in combination with compression? We think it goes together perfectly, and that’s why we made apricot kernel oil an essential part of our medical compression socks skincare formula.

Skincare formula for medical grade stockings


One more ’must have’ ingredient of every good skincare formula – retinol. Retinol is a type of retinoid, which are vitamin A derivatives. The primary purpose of retinol is to treat skin aging. Rather than cleaning the surface of the skin from the dead cells, the tiny retinol molecules go deep under the outer layer of the skin – epidermis, to the middle layer of the skin – dermis. When inside the dermis, retinol neutralizes free radicals and boosts the production of collagen and elastin. This is the mechanism used to prevent skin aging. It has a soothing effect on the skin and as a key ingredient of our formula, it makes our garments unique.

Retinol is also effective witch acne problems, freckles & sun damage of the skin, melasma, and various other types of skin discoloration. The effects of retinol usually occur after three/four weeks of regular usage. The potentially harmful effects of retinol while being pregnant or breastfeeding depend greatly on the level of retinol in the body of a woman. Therefore, the pregnant woman should not use high retinol level formulas during this period, without consulting a doctor.

Vitamin E

And.. next on our skin heroes ingredient list is Vitamin E. Vitamin E has a wide variety of benefits for the body, most notable being anti-inflammatory properties, supporting proper cell function, antioxidant properties, reducing UV caused damage, and reducing the risk of blood clots. Vitamin E covers eight chemical forms that make up a family of oil-soluble antioxidants. 

Being an antioxidant, Vitamin E essentially helps your skin by removing free radicals that appear as a result of everyday stressors like air pollution, inappropriate exposure to the sun, the metabolism of food, etc. The topical application of Vitamin E is perfect for very dry skin areas such as elbows and cuticles. Being a part of our formula, Vitamin E takes a huge role in keeping your skin moisturized and healthy while wearing medical compression socks.

Rose Hip Oil

Rose hip oil, also known as rose hip seed oil, is a pressed seed oil, with benefits known way in the past. Rose hips are part of alternative medicine since the days of Hippocrates and their main role is in protecting and vitalizing the skin. And now, they are a part of Skineez skincarewear formula. Rose hip oil is filled with fatty acids like oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, and gamma-linolenic acid.

Those fatty acids make cell walls stronger so they keep the water longer and help your skin stay hydrated for a longer period. For dry and itchy skin, rosehip oil should be a choice. Also, some studies point out the importance of rosehip oil as a remedy for osteoarthritis. Anti-inflammatory benefits of a rose hip powder and rosehip oil result in reducing pain and stiffness in joints. Combining the rosehip oil with vitamin E improves anti-inflammatory effects, so the rosehip oil is not only used for treating arthritis, but also eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, and psoriasis. Aren't there plenty of reasons to opt-in for Skineez Compression gloves?

Skineez formula

Besides described benefits of every ingredient incorporated into the Skineez formula, the combination of them is what makes Skineez compression socks so gentle and healthy for your skin. Skineez team is dedicated to constantly improving the formula and enriching it with new ingredients to deliver maximum skin care and protection while wearing their garments.

Because all ingredients are natural, the formula starts to wear off after around ten washing cycles. Then, the garments should be re-infused with Skineez replenishing spray. By doing so, you will make the most out of wearing any Skineez products and your skin will be thankful, too. So, don’t hesitate to visit and shop for the best medical-grade compression and reparative wear.

Skincare formula for medical grade stockings

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